Foundations of Robotics Research

SIRIS PhD Course 2020

Note this is for the 2020 edition of the Foundations of Robotics Research.

Course Outline

The goal of the course is to provide a comprehensive introduction to basic knowledge and tools in the broad areas of robotics, and how these tools are pooled together to deliver robotic solutions to crucial real-world problems. The course will also provide an overview of the fundamental challenges and opportunities at the frontiers of robotic research.

Imagine building a robot which has to navigate to some place and solve a problem for us. To complete this task, this robot needs to be able to

  • Sense and See surroundings and environments
  • Localize and Understand its position and status
  • Plan and Control its motion and decisions
  • Actuate and Intervene to complete the task.

As roboticists, we also need the operation of the robot to be safe and ethical especially when humans are involved; we need suitable software and materials/architecture that enable the design and deployment; we need the robot to have the ability to learn from experiences and data.

Our course will take on all these fundamental aspects for robotic research.


Timeline: 9 June 2020 – 10 July 2020, a span of 5 weeks.

Venue: Live on Zoom. Stay tuned for the link.

Two lectures per week: Tuesday 2pm-4pm, and Friday 10am-12pm.

Tentative Lecture Plan

109-06-2020Tuesday14:00-16:00Ian ManchesterThe Field of Robotics: Overview
211-06-2020Thursday9:00-11:00Mitch BrysonRobotic Vision
316-06-2020Tuesday14:00-16:00Donald DansereauRobotic Imaging
419-06-2020Friday10:00-12:00Viorela IlaLocalization and Mapping
523-06-2020Tuesday14:00-16:00Guodong ShiRobotic Dynamics and Control
626-06-2020Friday10:00-12:00Tejaswi DigumartiMachine Learning for Robotics
730-06-2020Tuesday14:00-16:00Stewart WorrallSoftware Design for Autonomous Systems
803-07-2020Friday10:00-12:00Yi SunSoft Robotics
907-07-2020Tuesday14:00-16:00Naoko AbeRobotics and Society
1010-07-2020Friday10:00-12:00Stefan WilliamsRobotic Solutions for Marine Applications


Naoko Abe, Tejaswi Digumarti, Guodong Shi, Yi Sun


Australian Centre for Robotics