Seminar: Chantal Göttler, Center for Learning Systems / Max Planck Institutes / ETH Zürich, 10th Dec, 9a

When: Thurs 10th of Dec, 9a AEST
Where: This seminar will be presented online, RSVP here.
Speaker: Chantal Göttler, Center for Learning Systems / Max Planck Institutes / ETH Zürich
Title: Locomotion of spiders – What robotics can learn from them and vice versa
Abstract: Bio-inspiration has become an established field in material and computer science as well as robotics. By examining biological characteristics and behaviors we can improve old technologies, develop new ones and combine them with existing methods. But not only technology benefits from the interaction between robotics and biology. Using robotic methods could help to proof biological hypotheses in e.g. morphology and locomotion. So what can we learn from and about the locomotion of spiders?
Bio: Chantal Göttler is currently a PhD fellow of the Center for Learning Systems, a joint program between the Max Planck Institutes for Intelligent Systems in Stuttgart and Tübingen (Germany) as well as ETH Zürich (Switzerland). She works in the fields of bio-inspired robotics with focus on the locomotion of spiders. She likes to share her knowledge with children and young adults and has therefore given several talks at schools, the children’s university in Germany and lab tours for young students. Beside her interest in arthropods, she has a great passion for music as a classical trained pianist, likes to play ping pong and soccer and thinks about prime numbers and the Collatz Conjecture in her free time.