Seminar: DIPPeR: Down-hole Inspection, Probing & Perception Robot, 4th April, 1:00pm
When: Thursday 4th of April, 1:00pm AEDT
Where: This seminar will be partially presented at the ACFR seminar area, J04 lvl 2 (Rose St Building) and partially online via Zoom. RSVP
Speaker: Ehsan Mihankhah, Philip Gun

Title: DIPPeR: Down-hole Inspection, Probing & Perception Robot
This talk will cover the DIPPeR robot, designed and built at the Rio Tinto Centre for Mine Automation (RTCMA). DIPPeR is a prototype robotic platform that carries a unique sensing suite for inspection of the physical and/or geological properties of drilled blast holes in surface mining. It was designed to be able to drive directly over blast hole cones and carries a novel sensing probe that collects valuable data inside blast-holes. More accurate and systematic sensing of the drilled hole properties helps to make more informed decisions when planning the blast. The ultimate aim is to develop a tool that can efficiently collect data down every blast hole, which a mining operation’s drill & blast team can use to improve blast performance and outcomes.
Ehsan Mihankhah – Ehsan is a robotics and mechatronics engineer and researcher who got his PhD from Nanyang Technological University of Singapore in 2018. He has participated in several robotics competitions around the world and has won multiple innovation awards in some of them. He has been a member of judging panel, member of the executive committee, and the chairman of the league in several national and international RoboCup competitions. He also has the experience of running start-ups and giving consultation to start-ups in robotics and mechatronics domain and he has two patents in robotics. Ehsan has recently joined ACFR and currently leads robotics and perception technology projects at RTCMA.
Philip Gun – Philip Gun is a Researcher at the Rio Tinto Centre for Mine Automation (RTCMA). He received a PhD in 2021 from the University of Sydney on Multi vehicle trajectory planning on road networks. His research focus in on the coordination, motion planning, optimisation, and simulation of multi-agent systems, in particular autonomous vehicles.