Seminar: Dr Katie Silversides, 30th Jul, 1p

When: Thurs 30th of Jul, 1p AEST
Where: This seminar will be presented online, RSVP here.
Speaker: Dr Katie Silversides
Title: Boundary identification in iron ore using Measure While Drilling data
Abstract: The modelling and mining of stratigraphic ore deposits requires detailed knowledge of the location of geological boundaries. Measure while drilling (MWD) data collected in production holes can provide information on the location of stratigraphic units in banded iron formation-hosted iron ore deposits. Stratigraphic modelling in these deposits is typically based on exploration holes, and adding densely spaced production data can potentially increase model detail at the bench scale. However, MWD data is noisy and its parameters do not directly correlate to the stratigraphy or mineralogy. In this study we present our work using multivariate Gaussian Processes to classify samples from neighbouring stratigraphic units.
Bio: Katie is a research fellow with the Rio Tinto Centre for Mine Austomation, at the Australian Centre for Field Robotics. Her research focuses on providing quick, automated or semi-automated processing of geological data to allow objective, fast processing of new information for ore boundary identification and mining model updates.