Seminar: How To Build a Robot in 8 Weeks, 18th July, 1:00pm
When: Thursday 18th of July, 1:00pm AEST
Where: This seminar will be partially presented at the ACFR seminar area, J04 lvl 2 (Rose St Building) and partially online via Zoom. RSVP
Speaker: The Drop Bears and James Ward

Title: How To Build a Robot in 8 Weeks
The ACFR has been hosting a team of robot-building high school students for the last decade. The Drop Bears are a team competing in the international FIRST Robotics Competition. Each year in January teams are given the rules of the game they have to play, and 8 weeks to design, fabricate, test, tune and ultimately compete with a robot that can play the game.
Come and hear from some of the students that make all the noise in the bottom of J04 every January as they talk about how they built this year’s robot, the highs and lows of competition, and what they have learned along the way. As a bonus, the robot will be there for you to poke and prod!
Lorenzo Laureti is in Year 11 at Fort Street High School. Salma Catanho Martinez is in Year 12 at Mosman High School. Dr James Ward builds robots with The Drop Bears, and in his spare time works with the Intelligent Transportation Systems group at the ACFR.