When: Weds Nov 13th, 4p
Where: Rose St Building Seminar Area
Speaker: Kate Maguire-Rosier
Title: Moving with robots: A review of dance performances involving human and robotic performers
Abstract: This presentation focusses on artistic projects involving robots, specifically in the context of live dance performance. Following Naoko’s talk last week on her collaborative motion project, Kate’s talk departs from the aesthetic facet of human-robot relationships and presents a review of dance performances where humans and robots collaborate choreographically on stage. She presents categories, identified together with Naoko, in which these performances sit, illustrating each category with a video-recording excerpt. This presentation closes with the following questions: “How might this research be used to inform, shape and develop a human-robot collaboration experiment?” and; “How do artistic approaches contribute to robotics research?”
Bio: Dr Kate Maguire-Rosier is a Research Assistant to Research Fellow, Dr Naoko Abe, at the Sydney Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Systems. She is a Dance, Theatre and Performance scholar specialising in the subfields of disability performance and digital performance. In 2018, she obtained her PhD from Macquarie University for her ethnographic study, “Performances of ‘Care’: Dance Theatre Practice by and with Australian Artists with Disability”. From 2018-2022, she is Co-Convenor of the International Federation for Theatre Research’s “Performance and Disability” Working Group. Kate also works as Projects and Programs Manager at Ausdance NSW, the peak body for the NSW dance sector.