When: Thursday, Aug 29nd 2019, 1p
Where: Rose St Building Seminar Area
Title: Cooperative Perception Based on V2X Network in Intelligent Transportation Systems
Abstract: The upcoming widespread deployment of DSRC technology will enable the sharing of multi-modal sensory information among intelligent Road Side Units (IRSU) infrastructure and smart vehicles fitted with communication hardware and advanced perception capabilities. The project focuses on the development of a general framework for cooperative data fusion to integrate data coming from different sources with their own uncertainties. These algorithms will be used to propagate estimates of position, context and associated risk for all road users and vehicles in proximity. This information will be critical to extend the sensing capabilities of smart vehicles beyond the visual line of sight, which in complex traffic scenarios can be heavily restricted.
Bio: Dr. Mao Shan is currently a Research Fellow at the ACFR, The University of Sydney. He received his Ph.D. degree from The University of Sydney in 2014. He was a Research Associate at the ACFR from 2014 to 2016, and a Research Fellow at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, from 2016 to 2017. His research interests include autonomous systems, localization and tracking algorithms and applications.