When: Thursday 14th of July, 1pm AEDT
Where: This seminar will be partially presented at the Rose Street Seminar area (J04) and partially online via Zoom, RSVP here.
Speaker: Graham Brooker
Title: Nearly 23 years of messing about at the ACFR, and the future…

During the last two decades, I have been involved in some really interesting research (and development) projects at the ACFR. These include millimetre wave radar for visualisation in underground and open-cut mines and much other radar stuff. After a hiatus of more than a decade due to RTCMA imposed restrictions, this work is just starting up again, which is exciting. However, more interesting, perhaps, are two other radar projects that are still ongoing. The first involves the use of plasma displays (glorified neon indicators) as a technology to generate images at any electromagnetic frequencies – from microwaves right up to gamma rays. The second involves using Doppler radar and Schlieren Imaging to track sound pulses and hence visualise air turbulence. If time permits, I might also talk about the radar and optical technology we have used to track swarming locusts
Bio: Graham spent 20 years building radars for industry and defence projects in South Africa before being invited to join the ACFR by Hugh in 1999. For the first decade or so, he worked on radar mostly for mining applications while simultaneously developing and teaching a number of courses and writing up a PhD based on the radar work he did in South Africa. He has since published quite a lot, including two textbooks, one of which has just been revised as a 2nd edition. After a decade of focusing primarily on biomedical R&D, mostly related to childbirth, sensory substitution and balance disorders, his focus is again turning to radar, where a new generation of radar-on-a-chip sensors is revolutionising the field.