Seminar: Resilient perception for off-road autonomous ground vehicles, 05th Dec, 11:00am

When: Tuesday 05th of December, 11:00am AEDT

Where: This seminar will be partially presented at the ACFR lab lvl 4 conference room (J18) and partially online via Zoom. RSVP

Speaker: AProf Thierry Peynot

Title: Resilient perception for off-road autonomous ground vehicles


In this seminar I will present some of my latest research conducted at the QUT Centre for Robotics in field robotics, more specifically off-road autonomous ground vehicles, including terrain traversability estimation in dense vegetation (and for moon rover), crack detection and characterisation in unstructured surfaces. I will also introduce our nearly completed lunar tested (covered moon yard), designed and built for testing of planetary rover navigation.


Thierry Peynot is Associate Professor at Queensland University of Technology (QUT) and Chief Investigator of the QUT Centre for Robotics, where he leads the Mining Robotics and Space Robotics activities. He has led multiple research programs funded by government, research institutions and industry, including mining (e.g. Caterpillar, Komatsu, Mining3), Defence (e.g. BAE Systems, Rheinmetall) and Space (e.g. with Boeing and CSIRO), developing robust perception technology for robots and autonomous vehicles that can function despite adverse environmental conditions. Thierry is also the current Chair of the Robotics and Automation / Control Systems chapter, IEEE Queensland Section and former Program Director (Automation) at Mining3. Prior to joining QUT he was research fellow at the Australian Centre for Field Robotics (ACFR), The University of Sydney, worked at NASA Ames and obtained his PhD from LAAS/CNRS, the University of Toulouse in France.

Thierry’s research interests include off-road ground vehicle autonomy, resilient perception, sensor data fusion (esp. multiple sensor modalities), terrain traversability estimation, GPS-denied localisation and mapping, planetary rovers.


Australian Centre for Robotics