When: Mon 16th of December, 1:30pm
Where: Rose St Building seminar area
Speaker: Tobias Bellmann
Title: From Terramechanics to Flight Simulators – Robotic applications at the DLR Institute of System Dynamics and Control
Abstract: The talk focuses on the robotics activities at DLR’s institute of system dynamics and control. Starting with a general overview on DLR’s and the institutes major research fields, activities as industrial robot research, robot-based flight simulators and testbeds as the DLR Terramechanics Rover Locomotion Lab (TROLL) are presented. Also a short insight into recent space robotics activities as InSight/HP3 Mole and the experimental SCOUT rover will be given.
Bio: Dr. Tobias Bellmann is working as a scientist at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) since 2007. After finishing his PhD in the field robot path-planning, he became head of a workgroup with focus on the topics motion simulation and virtual reality, working on methods for modelling, simulating and visualizing mechatronic systems.
Since 2016 he heads the newly created DLR Systems and Control Innovation Lab (SCIL), commencing research on digitalization projects as the Digital Product/Twin together with various industry partners.