Seminar: Abdul Qadir, 29th Oct, 1p

When: Thurs 29th of Oct, 1p AEST
Where: This seminar will be presented online, RSVP here.
Speaker: Dr Abdul Qadir
Title: Grade Risk Minimisation in Network Planning under Uncertainty
Abstract: In a network of mines and ports, the network planner has the responsibility of assigning material movements from mine sites to ports such that the requirements in terms of tonnage and composition of ore are met at the ports. This can be a challenging task when there is variability in ore coming out of the mine sites and we may not know for certain the grades of the ore moved from mines to ports. I present an algorithm which assigns ore movements from mines to ports such that the variance in material composition of the ore at the ports is minimised. I then show by means of a Monte Carlo simulation how these reduced variances at the ports lead to a higher number of port stockpiles being within the tolerance band of the chemical components compared to a base case ‘greedy’ algorithm.
Bio: Abdul Qadir completed his PhD in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering from The University of Sydney in 2015 where his research focus was on modelling and optimisation of carbon capture processes. He then joined RTCMA as a post-doctoral researcher, working on developing algorithms for in-pit mine planning. Since mid- 2019, his research has been on optimising network planning under uncertainty.