Seminar: Mina Henein and Jun Zhang, ANU, 5 Dec, 4pm

When: Thurs 5th of December, 4pm Where: Rose St Building seminar area Speaker: Mina Henein and Jun Zhang, ANU Title: Robust Object-aware SLAM for Dynamic Scene Understanding Abstract: The static world assumption is standard in most simultaneous localisation and mapping (SLAM) algorithms. Increased deployment of autonomous systems to unstructured dynamic environments is driving a need …

Seminar: Wanli Ouyang, 27th Nov, 4pm

When: Weds 27th of November, 4pm Where: Rose St Building seminar area Speaker: Wanli Ouyang, School of Electrical & Information Engineering Title: Exploring Deep Structures in Computer Vision Tasks Abstract: Structure in data provide rich information that helps to reduce the complexity and improves the effectiveness of a model. In this talk, an introduction will be …

Seminar: Thomas Schön, Uppsala University, 26th Nov, 2pm

When: Tuesday 26th of November, 2pm Where: Rose St Building seminar area Speaker: Thomas Schön, Uppsala University Abstract: This talk has two (for now) loosely connected parts: In the first part we aim to provide intuition for the key mechanisms underlying the sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) method (including the popular particle filters and smoothers). SMC …

Seminar: Rami Khushaba, Building IQ & UTS, Nov 18th, 11a

When: Mon Nov 18th, 11a Where: Rose St Building Seminar Area Speaker: Rami Khushaba, Building IQ & UTS Title: Improved Electromyogram (EMG) Pattern Recognition for Multifunction Prosthesis Control Abstract: Myoelectric control employs pattern recognition (PR) systems decipher the content of the Electromyogram (EMG) signals from the remaining muscles in the amputees stump to recover lost …

Seminar: Ayoung Kim, KAIST, Rob Mahony, ANU, Nov 15th 10a – noon

When: Fri Nov 15th, 10a – noon Where: Rose St Building Seminar Area Speaker 1: Ayoung Kim, KAIST Title: Enhancing robotic perception in the underwater environment Abstract: This talk focuses on two major underwater perceptual sensors, namely optical and sonar image. First part of this talk deals with the underwater optical image enhancement introducing model-based, …

Seminar: Kate Maguire-Rosier, Weds Nov 13th, 4p

When: Weds Nov 13th, 4p Where: Rose St Building Seminar Area Speaker: Kate Maguire-Rosier Title: Moving with robots: A review of dance performances involving human and robotic performers Abstract: This presentation focusses on artistic projects involving robots, specifically in the context of live dance performance. Following Naoko’s talk last week on her collaborative motion project, …

Prof. Mark Coeckelbergh Talk, Nov. 29th 2019

Prof. Mark Coeckelbergh, philosopher of technology, from the University of Vienna will give a talk on «  Why should engineers care about robot ethics?l », on Friday, 29th November 2019, at ACFR seminar space (J04), 1pm-3:30pm. In this open-ended workshop with academics and postgraduates in Engineering and robotics at the ACFR and SIRIS, Prof Coeckelbergh will …

Seminar: Elizabeth Ratnam, Fri Nov 1st, 2p

When: Fri Nov 1st 2019, 2:00p Where: Rose St Building Seminar Area Speaker: Elizabeth Ratnam, ANU Title: Creating a resilient carbon-neutral electricity grid Abstract: In recent years, a dramatic increase in electrical power generation from renewable energy sources has been observed in many countries. The grid-integration of customer-owned solar photovoltaics (PV) has been driven by government …

Seminar: Teja Digumarti and Yi Sun, Oct 30th 2019

When: Weds, Oct 30th 2019, 4:00p Where: Rose St Building Seminar Area Speaker: Teja Digumarti Title: Semantic Segmentation and Mapping in Natural Environments Abstract: Research on 3D Reconstruction, Semantic Segmentation has made great progress over the past decade. However, a vast majority of this research is targeted towards human made environments like indoors and urban …

Seminar: Naoko Abe, Nov 6th 2019 [rescheduled]

When: Weds, Nov 6th 2019, 4:00p Where: Rose St Building Seminar Area Title: Robotics and society: An overview of current research projects Abstract: The talk will present the current projects undertaken under the “Robotics and Society” theme at the Sydney Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Systems. The Robotics and Society theme aims to explore the …


Australian Centre for Robotics