Staff in the ACFR are involved in organising many domestic and international events. You’ll find a list of recent events we have been involved with here.
ICRA2023 Workshop on Robotics for Asset Inspection and Management
Workshop Format The workshop will consist of four sessions separated by coffee and lunch breaks (see tentative program below). The first two sessions will feature presentations from top speakers in the field, the third session will spotlight representatives from industry and authors of accepted workshop papers, respectively. A fourth session will promote a panel discussion…
Webinar – Japanese Culture and the Acceptance of Social Robots
Tuesday November 30th 2021, 10:00am – 12:00pm AEDT (Australian Eastern Daylight Time) About the event Robots in popular culture draw on a range of cultural figures, motifs, and ideas that help to shape their public perception. Social robot researchers have identified a specific Japanese robot aesthetic that makes use of a generally favourable attitude towards…
Australia-Korea Foundation Project
Workshop on Mobile Robot in Public Space REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE. Date: Wed 5th February 2020 Time: 9am – 2pm Venue: Cullen Room, Level 4, Holme Building, The University of Sydney Project Overview: The project aims to establish a long-term collaboration among Australian and Korean experts in innovation and technology in order to exchange knowledge and advance…
Prof. Mark Coeckelbergh Talk
Prof. Mark Coeckelbergh, philosopher of technology, from the University of Vienna will give a talk on « Why should engineers care about robot ethics?l », on Friday, 29th November 2019, at ACFR seminar space (J04), 1pm-3:30pm. In this open-ended workshop with academics and postgraduates in Engineering and robotics at the ACFR and SIRIS, Prof Coeckelbergh will…
Beyond Anthropomorphism Call For Papers
Expression of interest is closed We are pleased to announce that a call for papers of a special issue on “Beyond anthropomorphism: rethinking human-robot relations”is now open. The issue will be published in International Journal of Social Robotics.This initiative is being carried out after the discussion at the International Symposium: Beyond Anthropomorphism: Rethinking Human-Machine Relations…
ICRA2020 Workshop on Sensing, Estimating and Understanding the Dynamic World
Workshop Format This will be an online workshop with pre-recorded videos by the invited speakers and selected papers uploaded for viewing. A Slack channel (ws11) is open on the ICRA 2020 workspace to post and discuss material over a four week period. The workshop culminates with a 3h live Q&A and discussion session with the…