Congratulations Wei Zhou on successful PhD defense!
Wei Zhou has successfully defended her PhD thesis, entitled “Analysing the Robustness of Semantic Segmentation for Autonomous Vehicles”. Congratulations Wei!
Seminar: Cosimo Della Santina, TU Delft/DLR, 9th Jul, 5p
The video for this talk is now available here: When: Thurs 9th of Jul, 5p Where: This seminar will be presented online, RSVP here. Speaker: Asst Prof Cosimo Della Santina Title: A model based view to the Grand Challenge of building an artificial brain for Soft Robots Abstract: Taking inspiration from the animal body, researchers …
Seminar: Bowen Yi, 2nd Jul, 1p
When: Thurs 2nd of Jul, 1p Where: This seminar will be presented online, RSVP here. Speaker: Bowen Yi Title: Path Following of Underactuated Mechanical Systems via Energy Shaping Abstract: In this talk, we aim to provide a new problem formulation of path following for mechanical systems without time parameterization nor guidance laws, namely, we express …
Seminar: Dana Kulic, Monash, 25th Jun, 1p
When: Thurs 25th of Jun, 1p Where: This seminar will be presented online, RSVP here. Speaker: Dana Kulić Title: Learning from Human-Robot Interaction Abstract: As robots enter human environments, they will need to interact with humans in a variety of roles: as students, teachers, collaborators and assistants. In these roles, robots will need to adapt …
Seminar: James Allworth, 18th Jun, 1p
When: Thurs 18th of Jun, 1p Where: This seminar will be presented online, RSVP here. Speaker: James Allworth Title: A Transfer Learning approach to Space Debris Classification through Light Curve Analysis Abstract: In this seminar I will be present progress in my research into space debris classification through the application of transfer learning to light …
Thesis Seminar: John Gardenier, 11th June, 1p
When: Thurs 11th of June, 1p Where: This seminar will be presented online, RSVP here. Speaker: John Gardenier Title: How Now Lame Cow: Automatic Lameness Assessment for Dairy Cattle with 3D Sensors Abstract: Lameness in dairy cattle is a prevalent health issue impacting animal welfare and economic performance. Automatic lameness detection using 3D sensors is …
Seminar: Asher Bender, 4th June, 1p
When: Thurs 4th of June, 1p Where: This seminar will be presented online, RSVP here. Speaker: Dr Asher Bender Title: Intelligent Robotic Non-Chemical Weeding Abstract: In this seminar I will present results from an industry research project with the Grains Research and Development Corporation: Intelligent Robotic Non-Chemical Weeding. Weeds compete with crop for nutrients, water …
Seminar: Matt O’Toole, CMU, 28th May, 9a
When: Thurs 28th of May, 9a Where: This seminar will be presented online, RSVP here. Speaker: Asst Prof Matthew O’Toole, CMU Robotics Title: Imaging the World One Photon at a Time Abstract: The core component of any modern camera is its digital sensor, which forms images by collecting billions of photons traveling through the physical …
Thesis Seminar: Wei Zhou, 26th May, 2p
When: Tues 26th of May, 2p Where: This seminar will be presented online, RSVP here. Speaker: Wei Zhou Title: Analysing the Robustness of Semantic Segmentation for Autonomous Vehicles Abstract: Intelligent systems require the capability to perceive and interact with the surrounding environment. Semantic segmentation, as a pixel-level classification task, is at the frontier of providing …
Seminar: Julie Stephany Berrio Perez, 21st May, 1p
When: Thurs 21st of May, 1p Where: This seminar will be presented online, RSVP here. Speaker: Julie Stephany Berrio Perez Title: Long-term map maintenance pipeline for autonomous vehicles Abstract: One of the requirements for autonomous vehicles to be able to operate persistently in typical urban environments is to maintain high accuracy position information over time, in …