Seminar: Recent Developments in Robotic Imaging, 17th November, 1pm
When: Thursday 17th of November, 1pm AEDT Where: This seminar will be partially presented at the Rose Street Seminar area (J04) and partially online via Zoom, RSVP here. Speakers: Donald Dansereau, Adam Taras, Ahalya Ravendran, Ryan Griffiths Title: Recent Developments in Robotic Imaging Abstract: After a brief introduction to the robotic imaging group, three speakers …
Seminar: Robustness certification and training of robust neural networks using Lipschitz bounds, 3rd November, 1pm
When: Tuesday 3rd of November, 1pm AEDT Where: This seminar will be partially presented at the Rose Street Seminar area (J04) and partially online via Zoom, RSVP here. Speaker: Patricia Pauli (University of Stuttgart) Title: Robustness certification and training of robust neural networks using Lipschitz bounds Abstract: Due to their susceptibility to adversarial perturbations, neural …
Seminar: Hybrid techniques for state estimation: event-triggered observer design and observer performance improvement, 18th October, 1pm
When: Tuesday 18th of October, 1pm AEDT Where: This seminar will be partially presented at the Rose Street Seminar area (J04) and partially online via Zoom, RSVP here. Speaker: Elena Petri (Université of Lorraine) Title: Hybrid techniques for state estimation: event-triggered observer design and observer performance improvement Abstract: While hybrid techniques have demonstrated their relevance …
Seminar: Detecting Actions in Videos Using Less Labelled Data, 20th October, 1pm
When: Thursday 20th of October, 1pm AEDT Where: This seminar will be partially presented at the Rose Street Seminar area (J04) and partially online via Zoom, RSVP here. Speaker: Georgia Markham Title: Detecting Actions in Videos Using Less Labelled Data Abstract: Video action detection is an active area of research with applications to performance assessment …
Seminar: Planning Algorithms for Multi-Robot Systems, 6th October, 1pm
When: Thursday 6th of October, 1pm AEDT Where: This seminar will be partially presented at the Rose Street Seminar area (J04) and partially online via Zoom, RSVP here. Speaker: Graeme Best (UTS) Title: Planning Algorithms for Multi-Robot Systems Abstract: I will present several planning and coordination algorithms for multi-robot systems and their application to real-world …
Thesis seminar: The Improvement of Shear-wave Elastography Imaging in Prediction of Preterm Birth, 30th September, 1pm
When: Friday 30th of September, 1pm AEDT Where: This seminar will be presented online via Zoom, RSVP here. Speaker: Weirong Ge Title: The Improvement of Shear-wave Elastography Imaging in Prediction of Preterm Birth Abstract: Complications from preterm birth are one of the leading causes of perinatal mortality and morbidity worldwide. The risk of preterm birth …
Seminar: Developing autonomous guidance, navigation and control systems for field robots, 21st September, 1pm
When: Wednesday 21st of September, 1pm AEDT Where: This seminar will be partially presented at the Rose Street Seminar area (J04) and partially online via Zoom, RSVP here. Speaker: Dr Nathan Wallace Title: Developing autonomous guidance, navigation and control systems for field robots Abstract: In this presentation, I will speak about my recent work in …
Seminar: Team CSIRO Data61 at the DARPA Subterranean Challenge, 12th September, 1pm
When: Monday 12th of September, 1pm AEDT Where: This seminar will be partially presented at the Rose Street Seminar area (J04) and partially online via Zoom, RSVP here. Speaker: Navinda Kottege (CSIRO) Title: Team CSIRO Data61 at the DARPA Subterranean Challenge Abstract: Team CSIRO Data61 tied for the top score and won a US$1M prize …
Seminar: Scheduling of Multi-Robot Job Shop Systems in Dynamic Environments: Mixed-Integer Programming and Constraint Programming, 8th September, 1pm
When: Thursday 8th of September, 1pm AEDT Where: This seminar will be presented online via Zoom, RSVP here. Speaker: Dr Mehdi Foumani Title: Scheduling of Multi-Robot Job Shop Systems in Dynamic Environments: Mixed-Integer Programming and Constraint Programming Abstract: In this presentation, we investigate a dynamic scheduling problem within a job shop robotic system, wherein multiple …
Seminar: The first instantaneous Doppler pointcloud from an RMCW Spectrum-Scan LIDAR, 25th August, 1pm
When: Thursday 25th of August, 1pm AEDT Where: This seminar will be partially presented at the Rose Street Seminar area (J04) and partially online via Zoom, RSVP here. Speaker: Federico Collarte (Baraja) Title: The first instantaneous Doppler pointcloud from an RMCW Spectrum-Scan LIDAR Abstract: Steering, ranging and detection are the core elements that simultaneously operate …